Thursday 14 July 2011


I think I may have hit crisis point.

I have screamed (literally - my throat is now sore - goodness knows whether I'll be able to sing today.  I remember my disastrous singing lesson after yelling at Daughter); yelled at the Baby and not only stamped my feet but jumped up and down.  Several times.  Meanwhile the Baby didn't agree with my assessment that he should be asleep so was crying and crying and crying and going red in the face.  When I picked him up he stopped crying immediately and snuggled against me but did make some little high-pitched cries as if in pain.  Tears flooded down my face, I felt such a louse.

So I'm writing this with one hand while he bounces on my lap, in danger of bouncing just a bit too vigorously or with too big a wiggle and falling to the floor.  Meanwhile I really must pack the others' swimming stuff and I feel frustrated at having done no 'potentially for money' writing at all, despite having had several ideas for several weeks.

The betting is on that he'll fall asleep in the car: too late for me.  He's now got bored here as well so I'd better stop...

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