Sunday 8 August 2010


I had my hair cut yesterday.  Not a particularly mind-blowing or exciting experience to blog about, it would appear.  But I felt I was being really brave: I had about 4 months' worth of grey roots showing (a good 2 inches or more) and I was going for a short cut and NO COLOUR!

The reason for not having the colour was in fact threefold: firstly, I wanted to go to Corbridge because Abbie who works at Reflections had done a lovely short razor-cut style for me about 18 months ago, but the hair dye they use there makes my scalp tingle/burn a bit and I get some scabby bits; secondly, I wanted to save the money; and lastly, I was just curious to see how grey I actually am.  Another reason for going to Corbridge, besides the fact that it's a lovely place anyway, was that it would give me an opportunity to see Good Surveying Friend C., whom I've known since we worked at Westminster City Council together in the early 1990s, but whom I hadn't seen for a while despite the fact that we now live so much nearer to each other than we have for years.  I noticed while there that Out of the Blue, which sells lovely children's clothes, had a sale on: I managed to resist going in.

Abbie did indeed do a fab. job on the haircut and the grey isn't as terrifying nor as all-pervasive as I had feared (in fact at the back I'm still quite dark, but I don't see the back).  She also had the excellent idea that I could have highlights rather than a full head of colour (I normally have a full head and then 2 or 3 different coloured highlights as well), which was something I hadn't considered but which I think might be quite effective.  For now though I'm happy with the cut and colour as it is.  As the curls have all been cut off it's really quite different from when I stepped over the threshold into the hairdressers yesterday lunchtime.

I then had lunch with GSF C at Piccolo, a lovely and authentic Italian restaurant in Corbridge.  I could highly recommend it, although the one downside was that nearly all their scrumptious-looking puddings contained raw eggs which of course you're advised to avoid when pregnant: so having had an enormous bowl of Sicilian-style spaghetti cabonara (i.e. no cream: I'm not keen on overly creamy sauces) I 'only' had some lovely Movenpick strawberry ice cream.  I had planned Toad in the Hole for tea at home but really didn't feel particularly hungry, and in fact having had some tea anyway went to bed last night still feeling rather uncomfortably full.

I hadn't felt the Little Guy move that much yesterday but when I lay down in bed he did a few small squiggles: and then stopped so I prodded him.  It made me laugh out loud when I got a sharp kick back in return to my prods!

Elder Son (as he should perhaps now be known) was keen for me to take him cycling.  He's just suddenly got the hang of cycling without stabilisers and is now suddenly keen to cycle at every opportunity, which is great.  Unfortunately his swimming lesson this morning wasn't so good as he was very upset as he only got 3 ticks out of a list of about 8 or 9 items they are meant to achieve to go on to Stage 4.  He's doing really well though and he can basically swim: like the cycling, he needs to practice more but hasn't got to the stage yet of feeling that surge of confidence that he has on the bike.  He also needs to learn to be able to breath while swimming along rather than swimming under water and then having to stop to breath!  It will come.

The Outlaws are here at the moment which is great: i.e. little childcare to do for the next few days.  I have a singing practice tomorrow afternoon for the concert in which I'm doing a duet and one or possibly two solos,; a further singing practice for my own 'recital programme' (Le Due Donne) on Thursday, and shall also take the opportunity to go swimming.  I might go to Hermitage as well, historic home of one of the Border Reivers families.

Meanwhile this afternoon I'm off to look round the Maternity Unit at Carlisle Hospital with Pregnant Friend C., so I'd better go to have some lunch.  Chicken Noodle Soup out of a packet: I like it but it's not quite the home-cooking with fresh ingredients I experienced yesterday!

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