Tuesday 5 October 2010


Raining this morning - sunny this afternoon!

After last week's low, this week I'm back in optimistic mode.  I emailed a running magazine with some article ideas and they think they may be a go-er: so fingers crossed.  I am also trying to sell my story (the one about being old and pregnant) and it's looking promising: not a lot of dosh, but enough to be a bit of a bonus. I'm also awaiting feedback on two part-time job applications, which would at least give me some base income.  One is in Waterstones, who I've long fancied working for: I'd love to be able to write some of those book reviews they put on their shelves and be surrounded by books all day (though I wonder how much work I'd get done.  I can just see the scenario: a quiet time in the shop so I have my nose in a book: a customer comes up and I don't even hear him or her....).

Meanwhile people have been incredibly kind and we have been given lots of stuff for the baby, as I think I've previously mentioned.  The only thing left to get is a car seat and buggy/travel system.  I think we could have a car seat which didn't fit into the buggy, but I do ideally want a buggy which is also a carry cot, and which the baby can sleep in, especially when he's tiny.  Like an idiot I completely forgot to go to the NCT sale in Penrith on Saturday, despite having been reminded about it that morning.  But then I forgot the date of my own wedding anniversary not so long ago, thinking it was 26th rather than 27th August.  I'm not sure whether it's pregnancy or old age.  I had the bright idea, I thought, though of asking my parents for a contribution instead of David and me having christmas presents this year.  After all there's not really a lot we want: I'd like the Oxford Encyclopaedia of Music and a music stand but I can do without other things on my wish list.  In fact I haven't really thought much about a wish list recently: I guess if you know you don't have money to spend then there's no point thinking of things you'd like to spend it on.

The baby's been quite wriggly recently: sometimes quite firmly so.  I'm waiting for a particularly firmly wriggly day to let the children feel him kicking.  Meanwhile it's off to the midwife tomorrow to get a blood test done for my platelets, and then the hospital on Monday - I wonder if I'll get another scan?!  Somehow I doubt it.

Son came home from school enthusing about Drama yesterday: he'd had a taster session at school and loved it.  Husband had been suggesting tae kwon do and judo and karate, I'd suggested otters, choir and tennis: none were popular ideas but he's chosen drama of his own accord, so I hope we can stretch to some classes for him.  Despite the fact that he's less obviously extrovert and noisy than Daughter, we've always thought there was an element of the stand-up comedian in him, so who knows!  If nothing else it's good for self-confidence: I've always been glad that I did lots of public speaking and was in plays and so forth, right from primary school onwards.

Glorious autumnal weather now and I can see leaves just turning a flaming orange outside my study window.  As I'm going for a walk with Friend-L-I-used-to-work-with on Thursday, I hope it will be as beautiful then.  Cumbria looks its best in the spring, autumn and winter, I think: the colours and shadows are far more interesting than in the summer.  In spring everything is bursting into new life and optimistic: now, in autumn, everything is turning golden and red ready to huddle up under a good old blanket of white snow when winter arrives, and for me there's a sense of wanting to cuddle together around a cosy fire as the nights draw in and the temperature begins to drop.  A month or so and there may be snow on the highest hilltops: the children and I are hoping for a month of snow, like we had earlier this year: though not so that it stops me getting to hospital to give birth, I hope!

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