Saturday, 29 January 2011


I could swear the baby smiled at me today, and my mother-in-law thought so too.  We were in the kitchen and she was holding him, and I said something to him: he turned his head to look at me and his mouth definitely went up at the corners.  I feel all warm and gooey inside just thinking about it: he's got so a lovely smile (or what looks like a smile, just in case it's not....).  He is such a beautiful baby and I adore him.

What lovely comments some of you have posted: I do feel in many so ways bad about the breastfeeding thing but at the same time glad I made it to 4 weeks.  Thank you for your support. 

My parents are coming up next weekend for a week: initially the idea had been to help me with the school run while I was still not driving.  My mother got bronchitis and flu though so it then looked as if they might not be coming: I even had an email from my father to that effect.  However we've now had a phone message from my mother saying she will be well enough to come up so long as she doesn't have to wash any floors!  I cannot believe that she will be well enough/feel energetic enough, post-virally, to be up to coping with Older Son and Daughter and the school run: I'm dubious about how well I will cope, and I'm fit and healthy. 

I always feel whenever my parents come up we end up doing a lot for them: my mother always offers to help but also follows me around talking incessantly and I'm afraid doesn't do the things which she knows needs doing without being told: and in any case I feel bad asking her to do things.  She also spends a lot of time waiting on my Dad, which annoys me.  This time I am just not going to be able to wait on them (unless I let her hold the baby all the time, which of course is one of the downsides of bottle-feeding: I had originally hoped to breastfeed for the first 6 weeks in order to be tied up with the baby so that other people couldn't hold him while I went off and did housework.....).

I know they will badly want to meet their new grandson though and I'm so proud of him that I want to show him off.  And if my beautiful baby boy smiles at me a few more times over the next few days I won't mind about anything....

1 comment:

  1. Not a bad idea at all, to suggest a weekend instead of a full week!
    Energy is such a precious thing when you have three little ones depending on yours... Guarding and preserving it becomes a priority, in my opinion.
    Wishing you wisdom and all the best xxx
