Sunday, 16 May 2010


Little did I know on Wednesday what stunning news Thursday would bring.

At lunchtime I did a pregnancy test.  I didn't even have a chance to put the lid back on it and leave it the 5 minutes to work before it was showing 'pregnant'.  I was flabbergasted.  Husband and I had both just rather assumed that at 48 I was too old to get pregnant, at least not without trying really hard.

I'll be completely honest: my first reaction was that I was going to go straight down to the Doctors and ask for an abortion, feeling stupid for letting myself get in that position.  I rather tearfully phoned Husband at work to tell him the news and we agreed we should discuss it that evening: though I think it was rather hard for him to concentrate on sums for the rest of the day.

He came in beaming, thinking the situation was hilarious, not the slightest bit worried about finances, and of the view that whilst the ultimate decision was up to me, he felt that if we didn't let nature take its course then in 10 years' time we'd regret it: something I have to admit had been niggling at me despite my apparent resolution.  After all, we had let nature take its course previously which had resulted in this situation.

I saw the Doctor on Saturday.  She was lovely, and reassuring: apparently about 50% of pregnancies are unplanned, even in marriage.   Husband had found out that the oldest lady ever to fall pregnant naturally was 58: 59 when she had the baby.  10 years older than me!  And even in medieval times, Eleanor of Acquitaine was 45 when she had her last baby and Eleanor of Castile 43.

So I'm not now drinking alcohol and have started taking folic acid.  I see the midwife on Tuesday.  An online calculator showed that I'm 6 weeks pregnant and that the due date is Saturday 8th January.  Having now had 3 or 4 days to think about the situation I'm getting used to it and rather want to give it as good a chance as I can.   Goodness knows what my mother is going to say!

Meanwhile exciting things happened on Friday morning as well, and combined with the baby news I'm more and more sure that going self-employed and working from home is what I need to do, and what I'd find fulfilling.  I went to see Cumbria Chamber of Commerce first thing, and was given all sorts of useful leads and ideas.  It made me completely resolved to sort out a TEFL course as soon as I can: and I'm hoping they'll give me some funding towards it, which would make a huge difference.

I then went to BBC Cumbria to be recorded for 'Little Cumbria'.  What fun!  I'm going to be broadcast - for all of about 45 seconds per day - Monday to Friday this coming week.  But I was also asked if I'd like to go back in about 12 weeks' time, to which I readily said yes, exhibitionist that I am.  Just imagine where things may be in 12 weeks' time.... I should have done or at least started a course, I should have started some marketing, I may have got some work, and I may even have started my book.  And I will - I hope - be 4 months' pregnant (and by then I will have told the children, if everything is going OK: it will be interesting to see their reactions).

I wonder how old the oldest woman to get pregnant naturally in Carlisle has been?  If anyone knows, post a comment!

To the garden.  Little progress in the garden lately though the plants and weeds continue to multiply. I'm delighted that my hanging basket has some green shoots popping out of the top, and there's something with lovely purpley-red flowers in the front garden.

Husband took most of the back fence down this weekend. As a result we have a pile of slightly rotten, splintering wood at the back of the house (no doubt he will have a bit bonfire at some point being a bit of a pyromaniac) and a big gap to the outside world.

Son fell in the pond - so much for my worries that the children would get splinters/fall out of the garden and down to the road etc. Apparently he was trying to get a ball and fell in. He was soaking, poor lamb. Husband and one of his friends thought it was hilarious and I have to say I saw the amusing side rather than being particularly concerned, dreadful mother that I am. I think his pride was hurt more than anything: I was speaking to a friend on the phone this morning and he told me quite strictly not to tell other people! I think it quite scared him as well - he insisted I lay down next to him when he first went to bed last night. Put his clothes straight in the washing machine as there is still a lot of algae in the pond, despite a) plants b) a chemical treatment c) some barley things. However it is still possible to see the bottom: and I've seen one fish though the numerous tadpoles seem to have disappeared (hiding?).

New solar-powered lights from M&S look fab.: and I even have two left to put round the back once that's 'done', as I didn't realise you got two in a box.

Fingers crossed for some sun this week and time to do some more digging!

1 comment:

  1. A lovely balanced summary of the last few days! Your TEFL talk makes me realise I could persue that again once I move - maybe home visit students.
